Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The seventh, and final Chakra is Sahasrara, otherwise known as the crown Chakra. Attaining Sahasrara is the final step in achieving human awareness. The color is violet or white, and the element is energy. It is located on the crown of the head, similar to where a halo would be placed. The Yantra symbol is a lotus flower with an infinite amount of petals. Associations with Sahasrara are purity and spiritual development, and a connection to the divine. It is essentially associated with the highest function of the mind. An unbalanced Chakra will lead to a disconnection from the flow of life, chronic exhaustion, and cerebral issues. Ailments also include lack of purpose, loss of identity, sense of fear, and a lack of values and beliefs. A balanced Chakra will lead to a settling mind, and a strong system of belief. It will encourage a universal consciousness, intelligence, an open mind, and the ability to comprehend information easily.

Pictured above: Herkimer Diamond

Balancing crystals to open up Sahasrara: White Jade, Diamond, Herkimer Diamond and Clear Quartz. (

Pictured above: lotus blossom.
Essential oils related to Sahasrara: Blilbanum or Lotus. (


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