Monday, March 7, 2011


The fifth Chakra, known as Vishudda is the pure, or throat Chakra. The color is indigo and the element is ether. Vishudda is located in the throat and neck. The Yantra symbol is a white circle surrounded by sixteen petals; the circle represents a shining full moon. Associations with this is Chakra are expression, communication, and the ability to speak honestly. It allows one to connect and speak from the inner truth, and helps people find ways to convey their voices to others. With this Chakra, sound is purified. An unbalanced Chakra will lead to frustration, and the inability to verbalize or listen. It may also lead to excessive talking, hearing difficulties, and a fear of expressing yourself. Physical ailments include teeth grinding, throat problems, stiff neck, and shoulder tension. A balanced Chakra will lead to the ability to speak the truth, confidence in beliefs, the ability to express, and the capacity to hear the power of language. With a balanced Chakra, the body's metabolism is very healthy.

Both the shoulder stand and fish pose are very helpful to massage the Vishudda Chakra. (

Pictured above: Lapis Lazuli

Aquamarine, Dioptase, Eilat Stone, Kyanite, Labradorite, and Lapis Lazuli are a few of the crystals that will balance the Vishudda Chakra. (


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