Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The fourth Chakra is Anahata, the fourth heart. The color is green, and the element is air. Anahata is located at the center of the chest; the Yantra symbol consists of two overlapping triangles, facing opposite directions. The triangle facing up represents Shiva, the male principle, and the triangle facing down represents Shakti, the female principle. Characteristics associated with this Chakra are love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. This is essentially a storage of all emotional experiences. When one has a unbalanced Chakra, one will experience jealousy, sadness, and the inability to empathize. Emotions will rule behavior, and one will feel resentment toward others. Physical consequences include cardiovascular problems and heart disease. One will become overly focused on thought and fearful. Therefore, there will be no room for love. When one has a balanced Chakra, one is able to both give and receive love. One will be able to share oneself, as they feel the power of prayer. When one is swept away from love, one must come back to the root Chakra. In order to open the body and energize, one must open with the heart.

To open Anahata, it is encouraged to inhale essential oils such as, rose, rose geranium, geranium, Franklincense, sandalwood, sweet orange, bergamot, vetiver, Helichysum, and neroli. (Reference:

Balancing crystals that are associated with Anahata are rose quartz and emerald. (Reference:


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