Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The third Chakra is Manipura, or the third Solar Plexus. Manipura is our personality and will power. The color is yellow, and the element is fire. The Solar Plexus is located in the abdomen; the Yantra symbol is a lotus with ten petals. Characteristics that are associated with Manipura are heat, assertiveness, inner drive, takings risks, and assuming responsibility for life. When this Chakra is unbalanced, one has a very low self esteem, and experiences uncertainty and greed. Physical problems can include digestive problems. The body will eventually be overwhelmed with anger and hatred, and have too much will power. During times of stress and tiredness, one will try to manipulate the body with caffine. When Manipura is over stimulating, one potentially may use drugs and alcohol to relax. During times of a balanced Chakra, the body is energetic, confident, cheerful, and strong. One has the willingness to persevere and follow through with tasks.

A helpful posture to open up Manipura is the bow pose. (Reference:

A few balancing crystals associated with Manipura are: Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite and gold. (Reference:


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