Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The seventh, and final Chakra is Sahasrara, otherwise known as the crown Chakra. Attaining Sahasrara is the final step in achieving human awareness. The color is violet or white, and the element is energy. It is located on the crown of the head, similar to where a halo would be placed. The Yantra symbol is a lotus flower with an infinite amount of petals. Associations with Sahasrara are purity and spiritual development, and a connection to the divine. It is essentially associated with the highest function of the mind. An unbalanced Chakra will lead to a disconnection from the flow of life, chronic exhaustion, and cerebral issues. Ailments also include lack of purpose, loss of identity, sense of fear, and a lack of values and beliefs. A balanced Chakra will lead to a settling mind, and a strong system of belief. It will encourage a universal consciousness, intelligence, an open mind, and the ability to comprehend information easily.

Pictured above: Herkimer Diamond

Balancing crystals to open up Sahasrara: White Jade, Diamond, Herkimer Diamond and Clear Quartz. (

Pictured above: lotus blossom.
Essential oils related to Sahasrara: Blilbanum or Lotus. (


Monday, March 7, 2011


The sixth Chakra, known as Ajna is the third eye center of the body. The color is indigo and the element is light. Ajna is located between the eyebrows, and a little above the eye. The Yantra symbol is a winged globe, giving others the idea that they are capable of flying anywhere they desire. Associations with this Chakra are light, spirit, wisdom, and reasoning. It is the source of paranormal powers and heightened intuition. An unbalanced Chakra will lead to fuzzy thinking, obsessive worrying, envious, and doubtful of many situations. Physical ailments include headaches, poor eyesight, migraines, a poor immune system, and brain tumors or stroke. With a balanced Chakra, one is able to have a creative imagination, clear thinking, and a willingness to receive guidance.

Pictured above: Phenacite

Amethysts, Apache Tears, Phenacite, Quartz, Sapphire, Silver, and Staurolite are a few of the crystals that will assist one when balancing the Ajna Chakra. (

Pictured above: the jasmine flower

Essential oils for the Ajna Chakra are mint and jasmine. (



The fifth Chakra, known as Vishudda is the pure, or throat Chakra. The color is indigo and the element is ether. Vishudda is located in the throat and neck. The Yantra symbol is a white circle surrounded by sixteen petals; the circle represents a shining full moon. Associations with this is Chakra are expression, communication, and the ability to speak honestly. It allows one to connect and speak from the inner truth, and helps people find ways to convey their voices to others. With this Chakra, sound is purified. An unbalanced Chakra will lead to frustration, and the inability to verbalize or listen. It may also lead to excessive talking, hearing difficulties, and a fear of expressing yourself. Physical ailments include teeth grinding, throat problems, stiff neck, and shoulder tension. A balanced Chakra will lead to the ability to speak the truth, confidence in beliefs, the ability to express, and the capacity to hear the power of language. With a balanced Chakra, the body's metabolism is very healthy.

Both the shoulder stand and fish pose are very helpful to massage the Vishudda Chakra. (

Pictured above: Lapis Lazuli

Aquamarine, Dioptase, Eilat Stone, Kyanite, Labradorite, and Lapis Lazuli are a few of the crystals that will balance the Vishudda Chakra. (


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The fourth Chakra is Anahata, the fourth heart. The color is green, and the element is air. Anahata is located at the center of the chest; the Yantra symbol consists of two overlapping triangles, facing opposite directions. The triangle facing up represents Shiva, the male principle, and the triangle facing down represents Shakti, the female principle. Characteristics associated with this Chakra are love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. This is essentially a storage of all emotional experiences. When one has a unbalanced Chakra, one will experience jealousy, sadness, and the inability to empathize. Emotions will rule behavior, and one will feel resentment toward others. Physical consequences include cardiovascular problems and heart disease. One will become overly focused on thought and fearful. Therefore, there will be no room for love. When one has a balanced Chakra, one is able to both give and receive love. One will be able to share oneself, as they feel the power of prayer. When one is swept away from love, one must come back to the root Chakra. In order to open the body and energize, one must open with the heart.

To open Anahata, it is encouraged to inhale essential oils such as, rose, rose geranium, geranium, Franklincense, sandalwood, sweet orange, bergamot, vetiver, Helichysum, and neroli. (Reference:

Balancing crystals that are associated with Anahata are rose quartz and emerald. (Reference:



The third Chakra is Manipura, or the third Solar Plexus. Manipura is our personality and will power. The color is yellow, and the element is fire. The Solar Plexus is located in the abdomen; the Yantra symbol is a lotus with ten petals. Characteristics that are associated with Manipura are heat, assertiveness, inner drive, takings risks, and assuming responsibility for life. When this Chakra is unbalanced, one has a very low self esteem, and experiences uncertainty and greed. Physical problems can include digestive problems. The body will eventually be overwhelmed with anger and hatred, and have too much will power. During times of stress and tiredness, one will try to manipulate the body with caffine. When Manipura is over stimulating, one potentially may use drugs and alcohol to relax. During times of a balanced Chakra, the body is energetic, confident, cheerful, and strong. One has the willingness to persevere and follow through with tasks.

A helpful posture to open up Manipura is the bow pose. (Reference:

A few balancing crystals associated with Manipura are: Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite and gold. (Reference:



The second Chakra is called Svadhisthana, or the second Sacral. This Chakra is an even number, which means that it concerns the feminine openness to love. The colors are orange and brown, and the element is water. Svadhisthana is located in the lower back; the Yantra symbol is a blue crescent moon surrounded by six red petals and water encircling the earth. Characteristics of the second Sacral are relationships, creativity, and the ways in which we relate to others. When one has an unbalanced Chakra, one will experience sexual problems, and fears of intimacy and change. Guilt will become an overriding theme, and one will find very little time for enjoyment and pleasure. When one has a balanced second Sacral, one will have confidence, friendliness, and the ability to truly enjoy without an overriding feeling of guilt. With a balanced Chakra, one will experience strong connections to others who matter the most.

Pictured above is the Indian paintbrush, a flower essence that is related to Svadhisthana.

A few of the flower essences that are related to Svadhisthana are: Indian paintbrush, lady's slipper, and the hibiscus.

Pictured above is the cobra posture to open up the second Sacral.

Postures that will open up and stimulate Svadhisthana are: cobra, triangle, twist, leg lifts, and crocodile. (Reference:


Tuesday, February 22, 2011